WRAL-FM and WRAL-TV Raise Money for Duke Children’s Hospital |

On Wednesday, May 28th at 6:00 am, Bill Jordan, Sheri Logan and Donna Mason launched the fourth annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon. They tugged at the hearts of the Triangle as they raised money for Duke Children’s Miracle Network Telethon benefitting the Duke Children’s Hospital. This year’s effort raised a whopping $512,346, an increase of $182,346 over last year.
Bill, Sheri and Donna were on the air virtually nonstop for four and a half days providing listeners with a glimpse of what life is like for the children at Duke.
WRAL-FM listeners heard from doctors, nurses, parents and the children themselves.
They heard heartwarming stories of how Duke Children’s Hospital has helped so many lives. These stories sent listeners to the telephones to pledge money. Children called in pledging their allowances and adults called in pledging what they could spare. Several listeners called in challenging coworkers to donate to this worthy cause.
Volunteers donated time and energy answering phones, taking pledges and cheering Bill, Sheri and Donna on to another wonderful gift to the children at Duke. In just four short year’s WRAL-FM listeners have raised more than $1,180,000 for Duke Children’s Hospital.
In total the Duke Children’s Miracle Network Telethon raised over $2 million for the Duke Children’s Hospital. WRAL-TV raised $64,193 during a 12 hour telethon on Sunday, June 1st. Members of the WRAL-TV news team, including Debra Morgan, Mark Roberts and Betsy Sykes were on the air urging area residents to donate to this worthy cause.