Capitol Networks Presents Check to Support Special Olympics of NC |
Capitol Networks and sponsor partner, the North Carolina Chiropractic Association, presented a check in the amount of $2800 to support the Special Olympics of North Carolina on Monday, March 2, 1998.
The donation was part of a sponsorship package put together by Capitol Networks’ Account Executive Andy Roat. The communications goal of the NC Chiropractic Association was to get the benefits of Chiropractic care out on a state-wide basis, plus have opportunities to get more involved in community events that would have a tie-in for Chiropractic care.

The check was presented to the Special Olympics of North Carolina on behalf of Capitol Networks and the North Carolina Chiropractic Association. From left to right: Dr. John Flynn, President of the NC Chiropractic Association; Christine Caron, Executive Director of the NC Chiropractic Association; Keith Fishburne, President of Special Olympics of North Carolina; George Habel, Executive Vice-President for Radio and Networks of Capitol Networks and Ben Waters, Vice President of Administration for Capitol Broadcasting Company.