WJZY Program Assistant Demonstrates “Outrageous Service” |
WJZY and WFVT Television’s Ginny Stephens met and exceeded the station’s mission of providing an outrageous level of service to viewers. WB55 viewer Donna McKay was planning her wedding… set for September… when she saw the WB Thursday night comedy “For Your Love.” At the end of the show was a touching duet which Donna simply “had to include” in her wedding ceremony.
When she called Program Assistant Ginny Stephens she made the right move. Ginny wasn’t sure how much she could help her… Donna wasn’t even sure of the name or lyrics of the song she was looking for… she only knew she wanted it. First, Ginny contacted the WB… who put her in touch with the “For Your Love” producers. They weren’t sure what she was after… so they put Ginny in touch with the WB music group, who put her in touch with the writers of the song, which was written specifically for the show… but they didn’t think they could locate a record of the song and lyrics.
Finally, after a determined effort to make Donna WFVT’s happiest viewer, Ginny received a fax of the music and lyrics. Donna received a copy of the music… and began telling her friends about Ginny’s help before she hung up the phone. Ginny’s persistence made Donna McKay an excellent messenger for the WB55 story… and a great example of the station’s goal of providing exceptional service to viewers and clients.