HDTV Mobile Unit on Exhibition at WRAL-TV

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 8, 1999 Contact: Susan Dahlin Marketing Director 919-790-5720 HDTV Mobile Unit on Exhibition at WRAL-TV Raleigh, NC — HDV-5, the High Definition Television Production Mobile for the new millennium, opened its doors for exhibit on December 7. The WRAL-TV 5 studios on Western Blvd. hosted the tour from 9:00 a.m. to […]
MIX 101.5 Has a New Studio

MIX 101.5 Has a New Studio The big day finally arrived! After much planning, equipment selection, color coordination, toil and labor, MIX 101.5 finally flipped the switch on the new on-air studio, Wednesday, December 8, 1999. Diane Ramsey was the lucky air personality to be the first to broadcast from the new studio shortly after […]