Ardie Gregory Appointed To Duke Children’s Hospital National Board of Advisors |
The Duke Children’s Hospital National Board of Advisors recently appointed a new member. WRAL-FM General Manager Ardie Gregory begins serving immediately a three-year term to expire in 2003.
The purpose of this National Board of Advisors is to oversee and promote all activities intended to secure philanthropic support for Duke Children’s Hospital, including philanthropy, development, advocacy and outreach, and strategic planning in development and marketing. Its membership comes from across the country and covers a variety of businesses. Members are appointed by the current board, as well as by faculty and staff at Duke University. Gregory will serve with about twenty others including Hardee’s President Roy Murphy and retired Food Lion President Tom Smith. Duke Men’s Basketball Coach Mike Krzyzewski and his wife Mickie have served on the Board in the past.
Ardie Gregory WRAL-FM General Manager
Gregory was chosen because she has “demonstrated community leadership skills and can face the challenges of children’s health care.” Duke President Nan Keohane said, “[Gregory’s] interest in providing valuable leadership in the coming years is most appreciated.”
Gregory is no stranger to promoting philanthropies, especially Duke Children’s Hospital. MIX 101.5 has held a radiothon for the Duke Children’s Hospital since 1994, each year raising greater sums of money. This year’s tally reached $889,460, a substantial increase
from the first year of the telethon, which brought in $125,000.
She will be right at home on the Board because its major function is to help raise funds for the kids at Duke. Most recently, the Board has been instrumental in helping to open the McGovern-Davison Children’s Health Center on May 13, 2000. The $30.5 million Center is the first “kids-only” facility on the Duke campus and will house all the pediatric medical and surgical specialties formerly located in the Duke Clinic as well as most other pediatric diagnostic services.