WRAL-TV5 Promotion Manager To Serve on CBS Promotion Caucus |
 WRAL-TV Promotion Manager Cindy Sink |
Cindy Sink, promotion manager for WRAL-TV5, has been chosen to serve on the CBS Promotion Caucus. The purpose of the Caucus is to advise CBS Advertising on long-range campaign strategies and help fine-tune the promotion services and materials CBS sends to its local affiliates. Each member is elected by all CBS affiliate Promotion Executives and will serve for a two-year term.
The Caucus is comprised of nine promotion executives: three members come from a small market, three from a
medium market and three from a large market. Sink is representing the large market category. Each member has a designated group of affiliates that they will communicate with on a regular basis and route the affiliate’s feedback to the network. The Caucus meets three times a year to review marketing strategies and share ideas.
Sink has been with the industry for 20 years and feels her years with WRAL-TV have prepared her well for this challenge. She feels that television is more than just an entertainment device, but helps connect viewers with the “real” world with activities such as intensive storm coverage, raising money through telethons for worthy causes, and even coverage of sporting events like the Final Four Basketball Tournament, which unites viewers in a single emotional moment.
Sink knows that the television industry is reinventing itself and is proud of the fact that WRAL TV5 has been a leader in the community in local news and at the forefront of the Online and Digital revolutions. The challenge, she thinks, is connecting with viewers in a more interactive, relevant and intriguing way.