AWRT Hosts Sports Marketing Panel |
The Triangle Chapter of American Women in Radio and Television, Inc. (AWRT) had another successful session when it hosted a panel of sports marketing professionals at the Crabtree Marriott Hotel in Raleigh, NC on Wednesday, March 8. The Raleigh Chapter hosts an informative luncheon meeting the second Tuesday of each month.
The purpose of this month’s session was to help educate both men and women in the broadcasting industry on the “in’s and out’s” of the sports marketing world.
The session was moderated by CBC’s own Jerry Reckerd from Wolfpack Sports Marketing. As moderator, he asked panelists to discuss various aspects of how they market their sports entities to the public. In addition to providing general background on their operations, the panelists were asked:
- How they come up with a marketing plan?
- How do they decide what media to use?
- What marketing plans have been successful?
- What is the most important ingredient in their marketing plans? (The short answer to this questions was FUN).
Panelists were: Charlie Cobb, Associate Director of Athletics, NCSU; George Habel, VP, Capitol Sports; Mike Hurley (representing the Carolina Hurricanes), GM, Capitol Sports; Barbara Lehner, Marketing Manger, NCSU Women’s Athletics; Bob Savod, Associate Director of Athletics, UNC-CH; Mike Sobb, Director of Sports Promotions, Duke University, Matt West, Sales Manager, Durham Bulls; and Jay Wisse, VP Sports marketing Practice, Richard French & Associates.
The next Triangle Chapter AWRT meeting will discuss Restaurants and Fast Foods on Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at the Marriott Crabtree. If would like to attend, please RSVP by no later than April 5 to Dawn Jones at 874-1717, or e-mail DJones@triangleradio.com. If you are interested in supporting or joining AWRT, contact Cathy Howell, WLFL/WRDC – (919) 872-9535, cahowell@wlfl.sbgnet.com, or visit the national web site at http://www.awrt.org.
 Jerry Reckerd (Capitol Sports) asked probing questions. |
 From left to right: Barbara Lehner (Capitol Sports), George Habel (Capitol Sports), Jay Wisse, (Richard French & Assoc.) and Matt West (Durham Bulls). |
 Charlie Cobb (NCSU) gives a not-so-short answer to a not-so-long question. |
 Bob Savod (UNC) pauses before he responds to a question. |
 No rivalry was apparent here between Mike Sobb (Duke) and Bob Savod (UNC). |
 Barbara Lehner and George Habel (Capitol Sports) listen intently to the question at hand. |
 Matt West (Durham Bulls) patiently waits his turn to answer. |
 Sports Marketing has become big business in the Triangle and the audience was very attentive to the panelists. |