DTV Plus Attends Real Networks Conference |
As television stations begin the shift to digital broadcasting, they will have bandwidth that can be used to deliver more than just moving pictures and sound. DTV Plus will use this bandwidth to give businesses and individuals instant access to the information they want and need the most. DTV Plus removes the wait involved in downloading files from the Internet by constantly pushing data to the consumer and caching it on personal computers. By using digital television, broadband wireless technology DTV Plus can reach more homes, with more data, quicker than any other strategy.
DTV Plus is aggregating content at its Network Control Center (NCC) and distributing it via satellite to television stations across the nation. Digital television stations can combine this data with information of their own and insert it into their broadcast stream and send it to receivers in their respective markets. The content options are almost unlimited – web pages, audio files, video files, games, software upgrades, pictures, live streaming media, animations, email, and more.
Sam Matheny (Vice President, DTV Plus) attended the Real Networks Conference 2000 in San Jose, California, May 24, 2000.
 DTV Plus and Intell Booth |
 Sam Matheny (Vice President, DTV Plus) and David Lingenfelter (Chief Engineer, KICU-DTV) |
During the conference, DTV Plus and Intel provided daily data broadcasting demonstrations. Video was shown on demand via a hybrid satellite and the dtv network. Microspace provided the satellite uplink to Intel’s CDI. These files were then rebroadcast as part of the KICU-DTV signal where they were picked up with an off-air antenna and played for the Real Networks 2000 conference attendees. Demonstrations were given daily for all three days, with an audience of approximately 40 people per session. A small web site with several video files from the WRAL-TV 6:00 news was also broadcast daily. These files were encoded using the RealEncoder at 440kbps and 220kbps (too large for traditional internet delivery).
A number of game files and movie clips provided by Red Storm Entertainment were also broadcast. The demonstrations spurred a lot of interest across the networking industry.