WRAL OnLine Ranked #1 in LostRemote |
WRAL OnLine is in the news again, grabbing a headline on the website LostRemote.com for having the most unique visitors of any TV station web site in September. WRAL OnLine had 196,000 unique visitors, which was well ahead of the number two site, channel2000.com which had 187,000 unique visitors in September.
As touted on LostRemote, WRAL OnLine has been near the top |
slot for several months, #1 in May and #2 in the summer months. PCData Online compiles the numbers for the list each month. |
LostRemote also ran WRAL’s press release about its historic all-HD newscast. WRAL-TV broadcast the 5:00 evening newscast entirely in HD from the North Carolina State Fair on Friday, October 13th, making WRAL the first station in history to do so.
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