Capitol Broadcasting & Its President Honored With Statewide Awards
Capitol Broadcasting & Its President Honored With Statewide Awards Capitol Broadcasting Company (CBC) received double honors from the North Carolina Electronics and Information Technologies Association (NCEITA). NCEITA named CBC Communications Company of the Year and awarded CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon the Outstanding Achievement Award at a banquet for the 2000 NCEITA 21 Awards […]
Capitol Broadcasting Company Names Two New Vice Presidents
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 17, 2000 For additional information contact Ben Waters, VP of Administration (919) 890-6062 Captiol Broadcasting Company Names Two New Vice Presidents RALEIGH, NC, November 17, 2000 – Jim Goodmon, President and CEO of Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc., headquartered in Raleigh, announced the appointment of two Vice Presidents to the corporate staff. […]