Tommy Schenck Awarded For Public Service |
 Tommy Schenck FOX50 General Manager
FOX50 General Manager Tommy Schenck, new board member of Prevent Child Abuse, NC (PCA), recently received the Most Valuable Volunteer Award from the organization. PCA recognized Schenck for his efforts to achieve statewide distribution in airing of the organization’s PSAs and for initiating a program to develop a new PSA targeting kids.
After joining the Board in last year, Schenck began coordinating a campaign to promote the efforts of the PCA. He arranged for FOX 50 to donate the time and resources to produce a new PSA that will air statewide and will target children and families. FOX 50 Commercial Producer Karen Johnson and PCA Communications Director Carol Neal Rossi are working to develop the new PSA for a spring launch. Schenck also set up a meeting with Rossi and CBC Senior VP of Broadcasting Tom Allen to
discuss possible endorsement of the PSAs from the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters (NCAB). Allen currently serves as President of that organization. To further his efforts, Schenck is also sending letters along with the PSAs to statewide contacts in radio and TV, personal business associates and friends of Capitol Broadcasting. Schenck said, “Hopefully, both of these efforts will increase exposure of the existing materials and the new, youth oriented PSA.”
Schenck further explained the mission of PCA: “Over 100,00 children were reported abused and neglected in NC last year, and 21 children died form child abuse homicide during calendar year 1999. Obviously, this is a very real and serious social problem, and the education and intervention initiatives that PCA employs are in my opinion our best chance at making a difference.”
Presented quarterly, the Most Valuable Volunteer Award recognizes outstanding contributions to PCA and its efforts. Honored to receive the award, Schenck said, “I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience on the board. The staff is an incredibly professional and dedicated group, and the agency is run in a very efficient and fiscally sound manner.”
LTVS Project Coordinator Valerie Ward also serves on the PCA Board.