Andrea Parquet-Taylor WRAL-TV News Director |
thought process behind the video that is used.” Parquet-Taylor also responded to questions about the pending Time Warner News station saying, “In television news, you should always be aware, but also be true to what you do best. At WRAL/WRAZ that is local news coverage. The Time Warner News will only make WRAL more committed to excellence in Local news coverage.”
A variety of other CBC employees have participated in AWRT meetings as presenters. In February, WRAL-FM Program Director Joe Wade Formicola stepped in as a last minute replacement for Marketing and Promotions Director Mary Hallow. He sat on a panel of area Radio Promotion Directors to discuss how their roles fit in the promotion of both the station and the station’s clients. VP & General Manager Ardie Gregory said, “To say he added ‘spark’ to the discussion is an understatement. I felt like the station was being represented by a combination of PT Barnum and Rodney Dangerfield. But God love him, there’s never a dull moment!”