Hillsborough Street Bridge Construction Project To Begin Near CBC Headquarters
New Traffic Patterns & Road Closing Will Affect Approach To 711 Building
The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is replacing the Hillsborough Street Bridge over the CSX and Norfolk Southern railroad tracks in downtown Raleigh.
During construction, the Hillsborough Street Bridge will be closed, and motorists will be rerouted to Morgan Street. Rerouting is expected to begin in early 2002. Access to businesses on Hillsborough Street will be maintained at all times.
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CBC’s corporate headquarters, WRAL-FM and the North Carolina News Network are located at 711 Hillsborough Street, at the corner of Hillsborough & St. Mary’s Streets. Access to the parking lot, behind the building, is available from both St. Mary’s and Morgan Streets. |
Also during construction, Morgan Street will be temporarily redesignated as two-way between Dawson and St. Mary’s streets to accommodate the increase in traffic.
Pavement markings on Hillsborough, Edenton, Dawson, Harrington and West streets and Glenwood Avenue will also be modified to accommodate the new traffic patterns.
There will be signal and utility work during the project-including two new signals on Jones Street.
The bridge replacement will help ensure the continued safety of the traveling public. Construction is scheduled for completion in late 2003. Efforts will continue to be made to minimize impacts on motorists.