Bulls Take The Lead In Water Conservation |
 The Durham Bulls are voluntarily reducing their water consumption during this time of draught. |
In an effort to conserve water during this period of drought in the Triangle Area, the Durham Bulls Baseball Club will reduce its overall water consumption by 30%. In doing so the Bulls qualify for an exemption from the City of Durham’s mandatory water restrictions.
“This is a win-win for the Bulls and the City. We can continue to water each day as we significantly reduce our water consumption,” said Bulls Vice President and General Manager George Habel. “The City’s Environmental Resources Department has been very responsive and helpful in developing a solution. Under the restrictions, as written, we could water on Wednesdays and Saturdays only. Our field would burn up in a matter of days.”
The Bulls have agreed to reduce the amount of time the field sprinkler system runs each day, to water only during evening hours, and to discontinue landscape watering. Also, the team will make PA announcements explaining how the lush, green field is maintained without running afoul of the law.
The National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues and Major League Baseball mandate that the Bulls maintain their field to acceptable playing standards. This requires daily watering of the turf as well as wetting down the stripped infield surfaces before and during each game. The latter is critical to player safety.
Thanks to Matt DeMargel for this capcom story.