Fan Zone To Entertain Wolfpackers Before Home Football Games |
 Wolfpack kids can get their faces painted in the Zone before kick off. |
Wolfpack Sports Marketing, CBC’s link to the NC State Wolfpack, is starting the 2002 football season with some pre-game fun for the crowd. The new Wolfpack Fan Zone kicked off last Saturday prior to the NC State vs. New Mexico football game. This pregame experience, located on the front lawn of the ESA, will occur before every NC State home football game and is free to all Wolfpack Fans.
Fan Zone activities start 2 1/2 hours prior to kickoff and offer something fun for fans of all ages. The Zone features live music, games, prizes, face painters, giveaways and much more. The NC State Marching Band, the Power Sound of the South, will be on hand as they warm up 1 1/2 hours prior to game kickoff.
 The Fan Zone will be opened 2 1/2 hours prior to game time. |
Fans can howl a Wolfpack welcome to listeners of the Wolfpack Sports Network pregame show as it broadcasts live segments from the Zone, zoning in on NC State pregame fun.
Make your plans to visit Wolfpack Fan Zone prior to the East Tennessee State Game this Saturday, August 31, 2002, or before any NC State home football game. For more information and a schedule of events, visit http://gopack.ocsn.com/ot/ncst-promo-fanzone.html.