Sharp Elected To National AWRT Board
 CBC Human Resources VP Jan Sharp |
CBC Human Resources Vice President Jan Sharp has been elected to the national board of American Women in Radio & Television (AWRT). Sharp was instrumental in starting the Triangle chapter of the organization in late 1998 and served as its President in 2000 – 2001.
Sharp was inducted at the national meeting in Washington, DC, on Saturday, November 23, 2002. She was accompanied to the DC gathering by several local board members.
The AWRT National Board of Directors appointed Sharp after she was nominated by the Triangle chapter. Several CBC’ers serve on the local board, including Corporate’s Angie Emerline, who serves as chair of the Publicity Committee; WRAL-TV’s Pam Wynn, who is a Director at Large; and FOX50’s Joanne Stanley, who chairs the Hospitality Committee. Sharp also serves as a Director at Large for the local chapter.
AWRT is the oldest continuing organization in support of advancing the impact of women in electronic media and related fields.
For more information on American Women in Radio & Television, please visit their web site at, or the local chapter’s web site at