Make A Decision to Save Lives–And Tell Your Family |
WRAL-TV recently launched a campaign hoping to get viewers to make the choice to donate their organs after death. “Share Your Life. Share Your Decision” has been adopted by WRAL-TV, WRAL-FM and Capitol Broadcasting Company in hopes of increasing the number of individuals in North Carolina who sign up to donate.
More than half of North Carolina drivers list themselves as organ donors on their license but far fewer actually donate their organs. The reason? Their families do not know. CBC is encouraging people not only to make the decision to donate, but to inform their family members.
The campaign kicked off at WRAL-TV on Wednesday, March 12, with a re-worked version of the station’s 1995 “The List of Life” documentary. WRAL-FM will host a public service announcement (PSA) weekend devoted to organ donors beginning Saturday, March 29th. CBC is encouraging its employees and members of the community to get on board with the campaign.
Recent negative publicity about organ donation due to the death of Jesica Santillan at the Duke University Hospital caused CBC to go into high gear to promote organ donation. Despite the regrettable mistake, many people are still dying awaiting a matched transplant. More than 80,000 men, women and children currently await life-saving transplants, and an average of 17 people die each day while awaiting a transplant.
CBC, WRAL-TV & WRAL-FM are working with Carolina Donor Services on public service announcements during the campaign. WRAL-TV also created a legally binding donor card to print, fill out and sign in the presence of witnesses to make sure your wishes are known.
For more information about organ donation: