CBC’ers Share Their Career Paths at Carnage Middle School
Several CBC employees talked about their jobs and the paths they took to get there with a local group of eighth graders on Thursday, April 3, 2003. Carnage Middle School hosted “Pathways Preview,” a four-hour career exploration event designed to get professionals in a wide-ranging spectrum of business fields into classrooms to speak to eighth graders about career opportunities.
 FOX50 Operations Supervisor Chris Downey talked about his job to an eager group of 8th graders. |
 WRAL-FM Personality Jami Elizondo (center) listened while another career day volunteer described his job.
WRAL-TV Post Production Supervisor Steve Elizondo is a member of the Business Alliance for Schools at Carnage Middle. He enlisted the help of WRAL-FM Air Personality Jami Elizondo, FOX50 Operations Supervisor Chris Downey and WRAL-TV Art Director Bill Reeves.
“The Career Pathways Program was a big success!” said Carnage Middle School Assistant Principal Dr. Frederick Boyd. “This success was due, in large part, to the excellent cooperation of everyone connected with this project. It goes without saying that we are truly indebted to the Carnage Middle Business Alliance and the pool of guest speakers.”