WRAL Sends New Technology To Crew in Middle East |
WRAL-TV Digital Video Production Engineer Mike Mory & Maintenance Engineer Tony Patterson set up shop on the patio at the WRAL-TV studios recently to test the station’s newest purchase, a satellite videophone. This latest piece of technology was shipped, along with Mory & Patterson’s instructions to Kuwait to WRAL-TV Reporter Ken Smith and Photographer Ken Corn, who have been covering the Iraqi War for the past month.
 WRAL’s Tony Patterson (left) & Mike Mory figure out the working of the equipment. |
 After testing the satellite videophone, Patterson & Mory create a manual for Ken Smith and Ken Corn to use in Iraq. |
The satellite videophone will enable the pair to travel into Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, giving them a sure way to send their remote reports home. In Kuwait Smith and Corn are tapped into a CBS feed that transmits their reports to WRAL. When the two travel outside of their current base, they would not be assured of being able to tap into anyone’s feed to send stories home.
The team managed to cross the Iraqi border at least once last week and have received clearance to embed with Fort Bragg’s 37th Engineering Battalion in Iraq later this week. With the satellite videophone they can file reports and go live from anywhere in the world. Look for these reports in coming days as we cover the rebuilding and rebirth of Iraq.