Microspace White Paper Highlights Satellite Cost Savings |
 Joe Amor is GM of Microspace. |
According to Greg Hurt, Director of Sales and Marketing at Microspace, “We, as an industry, have not done a wonderful job of educating corporate America on the cost saving advantages of satellite.” Hurt also adds, “The timing to do so is perfect; corporate bean counters are keenly focusing on ways to save money and increase ROI.”
Microspace has just completed a white paper entitled “Cost Conscious Business Networks, An Easy-To-Follow Guide to Saving Money with Satellite Technology.
The paper comments on the proliferation of various network applications, the cost advantage of using satellite and a number of other interesting areas. It can be downloaded from www.microspace.com, click on “In the News” and then “White Papers.”
The following is a brief excerpt:
The key benefit to using VELOCITY® is the service’s fixed price approach to bandwith availability, regardless of the number sites. This enables companies to control costs for the delivery of their applications across geographically dispersed remote locations.
In one case a client was looking at ways to bring streaming media content to its field offices. The company had to serve 691 domestic sites which meant $1.4 million in monthly fees if they used standard telco high-speed lines. On the other hand, a satellite broadcast network could deliver comparable service for less than $34,000 per month. Satellite delivery reduced the projected cost from over $16 million to $400,000 annually.
What are the reasons for these cost savings?
Satellite broadcasting is ideal for sending identical content such as training information, inventory files, point-of-sale pricing tables, daily summary reports, software updates, and business television broadcasts, etc. from one location to multiple locations (“point-to-multipoint”). This type of content may only require a one-way satellite connection as opposed to the point-to-point network structure of most telco circuits.
Thanks to Microspace’s Joe Amor & Greg Hurt for this capcom story.