Parish Wins Award For Super-size Documentary |
 WRAL Prodcuer Phyllis Parish won an award for the documentary “Super-sizing Our Kids”. |
NC Prevention Partners bestowed its 2003 Award For Excellence in the Media on WRAL-TV Senior Producer Phyllis Parish for her documentary, “Supersizing Our Kids: NC’s Epidemic of Obesity.” She won for both writing and producing the documentary.
Originally aired in May 2003, “Supersizing Our Kids” addresses child obesity from every angle with discussions from North Carolina health professionals about the problem and solutions. Overweight children told their own stories, along with their parents, and community programs are highlighted as well. Because of its popularity, the documentary re-aired in June.
“Being a parent, I’m always interested in issues concerning children, particularly North Carolina’s children,” said Parish. “I hope our documentary helps open parents’ eyes to this problem and helps North Carolina families make healthy lifestyle changes-for Life.”
NC Prevention Partners presented the award to Parish at its Annual Meeting on September 17th at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Friday Center.
NC Prevention Partners is a statewide organization that seeks to foster, promote and influence society with positive habits in a variety of well-being issues including health.