WRAL Reporter Remembered By Wake Board |
 WRAL-TV Reporter Dan Willkinson died in October. |
WRAL-TV lost one of its valued reporters in October, and the Wake Soil and Conservation District Board of Supervisors recently found a way to permanently honor his memory. WRAL-TV Farm Reporter Dan Wilkinson died suddenly on October 30, 2003, at the age of 45. The Wake Soil and Water Conservation District named its annual communications award for him this month.
The Dan Wilkinson WRAL Conservation Communication Award was presented to The Wake Weekly on Wednesday, December 5, at a ceremony in the Wake County Commons Building. WRAL-TV Anchor David Crabtree took part in the 7pm presentation.
“Dan was remembered because of his tireless work, and relationship with agriculture,” said WRAL Producer/Director Clarence Williams. “He loved farmers and the work they did. He always kept a small vegetable garden, and proudly shared it’s bounty with co-workers.”
WRAL-TV Anchor David Crabtree helped make the presentation of the Dan Wilkinson WRAL Conservation Communication Award to The Wake Weekly. |
Wilkinson worked for Capitol Broadcasting Company reporting on agricultural issues for 20 years, both on radio and television.
Thanks to WRAL-TV’s Clarence Williams for special assistance with this capcom story.