Pelicans Help Make Christmas Brighter For Area Kids |
 Dinger the Homerun Dog needs your help in making Christmas brighter for children. |
The Myrtle Beach Pelicans and SOS Caring 4 Kids are teaming up again this year to make the holidays happier for local children. The Class A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves announced today that they will host a Toy Drive from their pro shop in conjunction with SOS Caring 4 Kids. This event is a repeat of last years drive in which scores of local fans contributed toys.
The 2002 Toy Drive was a huge success. “It was great to see so many people come out to Coastal Federal Field to drop off a gift, said Tony Zefiretto, Senior Director of Sales. “What impressed our organization even more was how many people brought out more than one gift to help make sure the entire Myrtle Beach community had a great holiday. We are hoping to have an even bigger response this year so no local child goes without a toy this Christmas.”
Toys can be dropped off at the ballpark pro shop Monday through Fridays from 10 am to 6 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm. To encourage contributions and to say thank you, anyone who drops off a wrapped new toy for a child will be given a thank you gift from the Pelicans. The Myrtle Beach Pelicans will begin their season at home, with the opening game on April 8, 2004.
Thanks to MBBC’s Glenn Fallon & Angela Barwick for this capcom story.