Barbara Goodmon On Business Leader Top Ten Women List |
 AJFF President Barbara Goodmon |
AJ Fletcher Foundation President Barbara Goodmon recently received a place on the 2003 Women Extraordinaire list in Business Leader magazine. The December 2003 edition of the publication featured ten Triangle women who make exceptional contributions to the community.
“These ten women bring honor to the Triangle,” reads the honor. “They are accomplishing more than those before them and will offer new opportunities for those after them.”
Business Leader lauds Goodmon for her commitment to human services and her new position at the Fletcher Foundation. “In a role of teacher and mentor, Barbara Goodmon is a walking testimony in the belief of the human spirit, ‘what a blessing it is to do what I love.'”
Goodmon shared her philosophy in the article, saying, “Allow enough flexibility in your approach to life that you may seize opportunity. You have to step out and take a chance without always knowing what awaits you on the other side. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Besides Goodmon, the auspicious list includes NC State Chancellor Marye Anne Fox & NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall and seven others.