WRAL-TV & WRAL-FM Rack Up Metro Honors |
The Triangle’s Metro Magazine recently published its Metro Bravo Awards for 2004, and several CBC personalities ranked among its list of the “Best of the Best.” The annual poll appeared in the publication’s June and July issues, a result of what Metro readers say are the stop services, personalities and more.
The 5th annual Metro Bravo Awards give a Standing Ovation to first place, Metro Bravo to second place and an Honorable Mention category.
WRAL-TV on-air staff members swept both the television and weather categories. For Regional TV Personality WRAL-TV Anchor David Crabtree won the top award, with fellow Anchors Pam Saulsby and Bill Leslie taking second place and an honorable mention respectively.
Metro Magazine described the weather category saying, “… our readers seem to trust the weather word to WRAL no matter who’s pointing to the weather map since other members of the station’s weather/news team … caught voter fancy.” For Weather Personality, WRAL-TV Chief Meteorologist Greg Fishel took first place with fellow Meteorologist Elizabeth Gardner following in second and Mike Maze taking the honorable mention.
MIX 101.5 Morning Show co-host Sheri Logan, from the Bill & Sheri in the Morning Show, took an honorable mention in the Radio Personality category, the only local personality to get a nod in the category. Rush Limbaugh won first with Don Imus taking second.