Pelicans Celebrate National Night Out |
 Bagpipers entertained the crowd before the game on National Night Out. |
On Thursday, August 5, 2004 at 6pm, the Pelicans joined cities nationwide for “America’s Night Out Against Crime.”
Neighborhoods throughout the Grand Strand were invite to join the thousands of communities stretching across America for the 21st Annual National Night Out.
National Night Out is a crime and drug prevention event, which is sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch and co-sponsored locally by the Myrtle Beach Pelicans Baseball Club. In all, over 34 million people nationwide were expected to participate in “America’s Night Out Against Crime.” National Night out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for local anti-crime efforts, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships and to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized to fight back.
From 7 to 10 pm on August 5th residents in neighborhoods throughout Myrtle Beach and across the nation were asked to lock their doors, turn on outside lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and police. Many neighborhoods throughout Myrtle Beach hosted a variety of special events such as block parties, cookouts, parades, visits from police, flashlight walks, contests, youth activities and anti-crime rallies.
The Pelicans hosted a ceremony, complete with bagpipers, on the field to kick off National Night out before the birds took the Salem Avalanche, 4-2. Many attractions were set up at the ballpark throughout the night including SWAT cars, K-9 Units, Crime Scene Units, McGruff the Crime Dog, Long Bay Power Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, Beach Patrol, Myrtle Beach Fire Department Dalmations and Bike Units.
Thanks to Angela Barwick for this capcom story & to Steve Terry for this capcom photo.