FOX 50 Hosts Local American Idol Auditions for Second Time |
 Last year 600 hopefuls lined up to audition for FOX 50’s guaranteed American Idol audition slot. |
Over 600 people lined up last year to compete for the Triangle’s top slot in the American Idol competition, and FOX 50 is offering that opportunity again. The winner will get a guaranteed audition with the producers of American Idol, the country’s favorite musical competition which will return to television for season four in January.
FOX 50’s Idol Audition will be held at The Streets of Southpoint in Durham on Saturday, August 21, 2004, from 10am to 4pm. Registration begins at 10am, but no camping out will be allowed. Lines may not form before 4am.
Fifty contestants will be selected from the daylong competition and will then go head-to-head at the Pavilion at the American Tobacco Historic District in Durham on September 2nd. One person will be named the Grand Prize winner and travel to Vegas, with air fare & hotel provided, to audition with the producers of American Idol.
Last year’s FOX 50 audition winner, Chris Lewis of Durham, made it to the second round with producers, only one step away from singing in front of Randy, Paula, & Simon. Duncan got to skirt the line of 10,000 hopefuls in New York with his FOX 50 guaranteed audition slot.
For official rules and an application, visit www.fox50.com. To be eligible to compete, you must be between 16 & 28 years of age as of August 4, 2004. You must also be a permanent resident of one of these North Carolina counties: Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Edgecombe, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Harnett, Hoke, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Nash, Orange, Person, Sampson, Vance, Wake, Warren, Wayne or Wilson.