Our State magazine features the WRAL Gardens in its April issue. |
The WRAL Gardens will soon be in full bloom and Our State magazine is spreading the word. The April edition of the North Carolina publication features the WRAL Gardens with “Broadcasting Blooms” by Janet C. Pittard.
Our State’s April edition is dedicated to the theme “secret gardens,” featuring gardens across the state. Known for its picturesque photography, Our State takes readers on a tour of the many azaleas, rhododendrons, hydrangeas and dogwoods from the mountains to the coast.
Pittard’s article tells the story of the WRAL Gardens, chronicling the history, recent renovation and the contents of the Capitol Broadcasting Company founder A.J. Fletcher’s pride and joy. Interviews with CBC Property Management Manager Tim Grissom and CBC VP of Community Relations Paul Pope are included along with details about the annual WRAL Azalea Celebration.
Pope grew up in the Nazareth community, around the WRAL studios, and remembers watching the gardens first being installed. Grissom jokes about the “most troublesome garden pest” which he calls “the big bumblebee.” WRAL’s news helicopter Sky5 makes selecting garden vegetation a challenge. Grissom says he must select plants hardy enough to withstand the frequent wind storms from Sky5’s landings and take-offs.
The magazine also features gardens from the Governor’s Mansion in downtown Raleigh, Marietta Gardens in Robeson County, yard gardens in Wilmington and even a piece on the NCDOT Wildflower Program, among a variety of others.
Headquartered in Greensboro, NC, Our State magazine is a magazine published in North Carolina about North Carolina. Our State features “ North Carolina travel, history, folklore and beautiful scenic photography,” celebrating “the people and places that make this a great state.”