Members of Leadership Raleigh came to the WRAL-TV studios as part of their Media in the Triangle program on Tuesday, May 3, 2005. The group toured the station and held two panel discussions while at WRAL.
Triangle Business Journal‘s Dale Gibson (l to r), WRAL-TV’s David Crabtree & The Carolinian‘s Cash Michaels all participated on a panel about “News in the Triangle.” |
The Leadership Raleigh group spent the middle of the day at WRAL-TV. A panel discussion about “News in the Triangle” took place before lunch, and a panel discussion about “Niche Market for News” took place during the meal.
 Leadership Raleigh members learned about the media while at WRAL-TV. |
WRAL-TV Anchor David Crabtree participated on the first panel with Business Editor for the Triangle Business Journal Dale Gibson, News 14 News Director Rick Willis and The Carolinian’s Cash Michaels. Crabtree and the other panelists discussed their media outlet in relation to the importance of news events. They also gave their opinions on what they consider the top two issues facing the Triangle over the next five years.
The lunch panel included representatives from Radio One, La Conexion, Univision 40, and the Triangle Tribune. They discussed their niche in the media market and how they serve it better than mainstream media outlets. They also discussed their unique perspective in relation to mainstream media and their growth potential in the coming years.
 Participants of Leadership Raleigh asked questions of the panel, themselves. |
Also during their media-themed day, Leadership Raleigh participants visited the News & Observer and Fairway Advertising.
Leadership Raleigh is a nine-month program consisting of eight all-day sessions and two weekend retreats. Participants work together on team projects, receive a community orientation, and work on enhancing their leadership skills and styles.