WJZY Celebrates One Year With Sports Broadcaster Legacy
 Mark Parker (l to r) joined his WJZY cohortsAaron Rotan, Chuck Smith & Shawn Harris at the breakfast. |
On August 22, 2005, the sales staff of WJZY UPN 46 hosted a breakfast celebration to thank Mark Packer for a great first year in television. Packer is a name that most sports fans will instantly recognize because his father is Billy Packer. Billy is a legend here in North Carolina for his commentary on ACC Basketball games, and he has a nationwide following on CBS, ESPN and other national networks.
Like father, like son. Mark Packer is also embarked on a career in broadcasting. He’s the host of a regionally syndicated sports talk radio program, Primetime With The Packman, which originates from the studios of WFNZ radio in Charlotte. He is one of the most listened to sports commentators in the South.
A year ago, WJZY Director of Sales Shawn Harris approached Mark about joining WJZY UPN 46 to provide viewers with his unique perspectives on the world of sports. Mark said “Yes”, and the rest is history. The man behind the microphone can now be seen Monday and Thursday nights during the sports segment of our Ten O’Clock News. The Packman is known for his sense of humor and his willingness to tell it like it is when commenting on sports and other contemporary issues.
At the breakfast celebration, Mark was presented with an official NBA Charlotte Bobcats basketball signed by the WJZY UPN 46 staff, and videographer Aaron Rotan presented a video tribute that included bloopers. “Bojangles loves their association with The Packman, and this exclusive news segment is both a great revenue stream for us and a positive promotional element for the news,” said Shawn Harris.
To learn more about Mark; view “Packman on Sports” segments; or see the blooper reel, just visit The Packman’s web site at packsmack.com.
Thanks to WJZY’s Crystal Rose for this capcom story & photo.