WRAL-TV Holds Annual Coats for Children Telethon 17th Annual Event On Friday, Dec 9th |
WRAL-TV kicks off its 17th Annual Coats for the Children Telethon bright and early this morning, Friday, December 9, 2005. From 6am to midnight volunteers are manning phone banks in the WRAL studios. The Coats for the Children Telethon will raise money to buy warm winter clothing and undergarments for area children in need.
The daylong event will feature three 30-minute specials at 12:30pm, 7pm and 11:35pm and cut-ins throughout the day. Donations will not only help outfit children with the warm clothes they need this winter, viewers who call in pledges will have a chance to get special incentives themselves. Several copies of WRAL-TV Anchor Bill Leslie’s latest CD “Christmas in Carolina” will be up for grabs, as well as autographed Christmas albums from Clay Aiken, and even tickets to his “Joyful Noise Tour” at the RBC Center. Other gifts certificates, prizes and tickets will be pledge incentives at different times during the telethon, as well as an Eric Stahl autographed hockey stick. So tune in to WRAL-TV to make your pledge possibly earn one of these special “thank you” gifts.
And that’s not all. Celebrity phone volunteers will help man the phone banks throughout the telethon. Call in with a donation and you might have a WRAL-TV Anchor or Reporter taking your pledge. N&O columnist Dennis Rogers and Clay Aiken’s mom, Faye Parker, also might be the one on the other end of the line.
Every penny contributed goes to the Salvation Army. And viewers may designate which Army they would like to help. If you live in Nash Co, for example, and want to help there, WRAL will route your donation to that Salvation Army.
The sudden drop in temperatures has caused all of us to go into the closet for our warmest winter coats. With temperatures hovering around freezing, we bundle up before going outside. Some families can’t afford to provide any kind of a coat at all for their children. Make sure they stay warm this winter. Your generosity can go a long way towards making this a wonderful holiday season for those in need.
Thank you for your support!