Dinger’s 5th Annual Home Run Reading Club Kicks Off |
 Dinger’s Home Run Reading Club is back for a 5th year. The program promotes reading to local children through an incentive. |
For the 5th consecutive year, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans celebrity yellow Labrador retriever, Dinger “The Home Run Dog,” will serve as the official “spokes-dog” of the Home Run Reading Club. This year the Pelicans, Dillard’s, Golden Corral of Myrtle Beach, PET Dairy, and Wendy’s are teaming up to keep the tradition alive and keep area kids reading. For nine weeks volunteers will read to area children at 14 different Horry County Schools. The Pelicans and the proud sponsors of the club, who provide the volunteer readers, are hoping that the program will inspire children to read now and continue reading into the future.
Dinger’s Home Run Reading Club has been up and running since 2002 and since then thousands of elementary school children in Horry County have participated and received prizes as an incentive to read.
From January 24th until the end of March, the sponsors will offer prizes for the amount of books that the kids read. Each book is worth a different amount of points, which helps the kids reach different tiers in the “Home Run Reading Club.” Each tier has a unique sponsor, who will provide the kids with special prizes. The basic breakdown of the prizes at each level is as follows:
- Single (Sponsored by the Pelicans) = Free Ice Cream from PET Dairy
- Double (Sponsored by Wendy’s) = Free Kids Meal at Wendy’s
- Triple (Sponsored by Golden Corral) = Free Buffet at Golden Corral and a Pelicans ticket
- Home Run (Sponsored by Dillard’s) = Free Cap from Dillard’s
Last year well over 8,000 prizes were earned from the kids that participated in “Dinger’s Home Run Reading Club.” For more information on “Dinger’s 5th Annual Home Run Reading Club” please feel free to contact Angela Barwick (Pelicans Community Relations and Special Events Coordinator) at 843-918-6002 ext. 0 or via email at abarwick@mb-baseball.com.
Thanks to MBBC’s Ryan Ibbotson for this capcom story & to Gurganus for this capcom photo.