Hundreds of Hopefuls Audition and Twenty Become Contestants on FOX50’s Gimme the Mike!
 The 3rd season of FOX 50’s Gimme the Mike! kicks off with two days of auditions. |
An all-new season of FOX 50’s Gimme the Mike! has officially begun!
This year’s FOX 50’s Gimme the Mike! auditions were a great success and once again brought out some of the area’s most talented vocalists. Open auditions for the show’s third season took place on Saturday February 4th, and Sunday, February 5th at Triangle Town Center in Raleigh.
FOX 50’s selection panel heard auditions from more than 600 singers hoping to be selected as a contestant for the show.
 FOX 50’s Scott Reid captures the auditions on his camera. |
 The registration desk keeps track of the over 600 hopefuls. |
 Hundreds of singers show up to take their turn on the audition stage & a shot at fame. |
Many lined up early Saturday morning in the pouring rain to get a good place in line at Triangle Town Center in Raleigh.
The FOX 50 production team registered auditioners and videotaped auditions over 2 days. Thanks go out to FOX 50 Sales, G&A, Engineering and Creative Services!
Who made the cut? FOX 50 announced the 20 contestants on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday morning, in WRAL’s 7am News on FOX 50. Be sure to visit www.fox50.com to check out the FOX 50’s Gimme the Mike! Web page for show information, contestant bios, audition clips, and more!
Thanks to FOX 50’s Christine Van Cott for this capcom story & these capcom photos.