CBC’s Morgan & Ward Join Ranks of Leadership Triangle Alumni
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon presents Leadership Triangle Goodmon Fellow diplomas to WRAL-TV’s Debra Morgan (above) & American Tobacco’s Valerie Ward (below). |
The Leadership Triangle class for spring 2006 recently graduated with two CBC’ers among the participants. WRAL-TV Anchor Debra Morgan and American Tobacco Sales Marketing/Events Manager Valerie Ward both successfully concluded the five month program. They received their diplomas along with their fellow classmates on Wednesday, May 17th at Bay 7 on the American Tobacco Campus in downtown Durham.
“Leadership Triangle was an eye-opening, mind-opening experience,” said Morgan. “No matter how long you’ve lived in the Triangle, you’d be amazed at what you can learn! A diverse, talented, intelligent group of people came together every two weeks for interesting discussions about regionalism and how to tackle difficult issues. We visited the Healing Place, Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, took a tour of Research Triangle Park and downtown Raleigh. We focused on the challenges of public school education in one class and targeted charitable giving in another. Our discussions were heated at times but a theme throughout was how to work together for a common goal.”
 CBC’s Paul Pope (left) pins his co-worker Valerie Ward during the graduation ceremony. |
 FOX 50’s Chris Downey (right), also an LT Board Member, congratulates a group of graduates. |
Morgan and Ward’s session of Leadership Triangle began in January. This Regional Leadership Program met every two weeks and included classes all around the Triangle. By visiting the Healing Place in Durham, taking a bus tour through the Triangle, as well as spending sessions in Carrboro, Durham & Chapel Hill, the group “broadened their city-centric points of view to a fully regional perspective.” CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon and AJFF President Barbara Goodmon each helped teach one of the sessions
“Leadership Triangle was a great learning experience in that it really challenged how I gather and process information,” said Ward.
 A large crowd gathered in Bay 7 at American Tobacco for the celebration. |
 LT Executive Director Winkie La Force honors the graduates. |
 LT classmate Angela Case (left) makes a check presentation to Derrick Vines from Uplift. |
 American Tobacco’s Valerie Ward cheers as she wins a prize in Triangle Trivia. |
 Ben Hitchings animatedly leads a game of Triangle Trivia at the event. |
 CBC’s Paul Pope yells out his answer in a quest to win the game. |
Both Morgan & Ward became Goodmon Fellows with their 18 other classmates. The group as a whole presented checks to three non-profits during the evening.
The A.J. Fletcher Foundation, CBC, FOX 50 & American Tobacco are all sponsors of Leadership Triangle.
 LT class member Howie Rhee makes a check presentation to Good Works on behalf of his class. |
 Leadership Triangle’s Winkie La Force challenges the graduates to use their new regional awareness for the benefit of the Triangle. |
“Leadership Triangle also gives you a great opportunity to network. You meet people you might never meet otherwise and yet you quickly find how much you can help each other with projects and interests. I’ve already brought ideas I’ve learned in the classes back to the newsroom where we turned them into stories. It’s been a fun, rewarding experience I highly recommend to anyone interested in making the Triangle a better place for all of us!” –-WRAL-TV’s Debra Morgan