CBC Wins Best Practices Award
Sharp Honored for Service to State HR Council
CBC recently won a Best Practices Award from the N.C. Society for Human Resources Management. CBC’s Jan Sharp (right) accepts the certificate from Valerie Edson, NCSHRM Director Emeritus. |
Capitol Broadcasting Company recently received the Best Practices award from the North Carolina Society for Human Resource Management (NCSHRM). CBC won for its Health & Wellness Program, particularly Be Active CBC. CBC Vice President of Human Resources Jan Sharp accepted the award at NCSHRM annual conference. Sharp herself was also honored for her years of service to the State Council for the organization.
The NCSHRM awards competition recognizes innovative and creative HR programs, practices and events. Companies are awarded based on practicality as well.
CBC’s Health & Wellness Program nomination encompassed several of the company’s programs. Be Active CBC, the flagship program to increase physical activity and health consciousness for the company, headed the nomination. The proof is in the numbers. At last count 378 of the 500+ CBC employees participate in Be Active CBC. In 2004, approximately 100 employees participated in the company-sponsored “million step challenge,” and over 100 employees participate in the health club reimbursement/YMCA subsidy program.
Also included was CBC’s program to provide and champion CPR & First Responder training for employees as well as the annual Health Fair.
Sharp and CBC HR Manager Angie Emerline shared the keys to the success of these CBC programs at the Best Practices Showcase at the conference.
“We were so proud to have our health and wellness programs recognized by the Society for Human Resource Management,” said Sharp, “and Angie and I enjoyed the opportunity to share our programs with state conference attendees.”
CBC’s Jan Sharp (left) received special recognition for her work with the NCSHRM. Sheila Fetner, NCSHRM Director made the presentation. |
The NCSHRM honored Sharp during the conference for her twelve years of service to the State Council. Her role on the Council began as President of the Raleigh Wake Human Resource Management Association. She then served as the College Relations Director for NCSHRM, which entails a variety of tasks including coordinating the annual HR College Games and Regional HR Games. She has spent a decade in that role, eight years as chair and two as co-chair. NCSHRM currently has 14 student affiliated chapters throughout NC’s college campuses, three of which Sharp was responsible for their chartering. NC State and Meredith College Student chapters have consistently placed in the top 10 in the nation.
“Jan has been instrumental in establishing and maintaining one of the best SHRM College Relations programs in the USA,” said NCSHRM Director Sheila Fetner. “Jan will certainly be missed, but she will not be far away. She has already agreed to mentor her successor and will continue to be an advocate for our students!”
Thanks to NCSHRM for these capcom photos.