Goodmons Honored By PBS
 PBS recently honored Jim & Barbara Goodmon with a national award for their contributions to & support of public television. |
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon and his wife, AJ Fletcher Foundation President Barbara Goodmon, recently received a national honor from the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Both were honored with one of five Public Television Leadership Awards at the PBS Development Conference in Baltimore on Friday, October 6, 2006.
The Public Television Leadership Awards recognize individuals, organizations and corporations for securing major funding for public television and whose sustained efforts have resulted in lasting benefits to their station and/or the PBS system at large.
“The Goodmons’ efforts on behalf of UNC-TV have played a critical role in assuring that the people of North Carolina continue to enjoy the benefits of enriching, life-changing services that are the bedrock of our mission as public broadcasters,” said UNC-TV General Manager Tom Howe.
The list of the Goodmons’ contributions to UNC-TV is long. Jim Goodmon served as the founding chairman of the North Carolina Public Television Foundation in 1989, making a $1 million gift to launch the capital campaign. He has also served on the UNC-TV Board of Trustees. Under the leadership of Barbara Goodmon, the A.J. Fletcher Foundation recently funded the production of UNC-TV’s Biographical Conversations series.
The other four recipients include the E.L. Cord Foundation, Liberty Mutual, Carmen Carmichael Murphy and the O’Neill Family. Award winners are nominated by member stations and decided upon by a selection committee.
What PBS Had to Say The following appeared in the PBS press release announcing the Goodmons as winners:
JIM AND BARBARA GOODMON; UNC-TV, RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC: Jim and Barbara Goodmon have been staunch supporters of public television for more than two decades. In 1989, Jim served as founding chair of the North Carolina Public Television Foundation, established to raise funds needed to equip UNC-TV’s new studios, launching a capital campaign for UNC-TV with a one million dollar gift through the A. J. Fletcher Foundation. As the deadline for UNC-TV’s digital conversion approached, Jim Goodmon—a pioneer in the development of digital television in the United States—strongly advocated the potential value of digital technology to serve the people of North Carolina through public television. As a member of the UNC-TV Board of Trustees, Goodmon recognized the opportunity for UNC-TV and argued vigorously for funding to finance the network’s digital conversion. On the programming front, generous funding from the A. J. Fletcher Foundation, whose chief executive is Barbara Goodmon, has enabled UNC-TV to produce BIOGRAPHICAL CONVERSATIONS, a landmark series on distinguished North Carolinians that has created a wealth of archival material for historians and future generations.