Two CBC’ers Among Leadership Triangle Regional Class Grads
 Two CBC’ers are among the 23 latest Leadership Triangle graduates. |
 The CBC table relaxes together: (r to l) WRAL-TV’s Loretta Harper-Arnold, Corp’s Jim Goodmon, CS’ George Habel, CS’ Rhonda Carlile & her husband, Ron. |
Twenty-three Triangle citizens became the latest Leadership Triangle graduates on Thursday, May 17, 2007, and two CBC’ers were among them. Capitol Sports Business Manager Rhonda Carlile & WRAL-TV Community Relations Director Loretta Harper spent the past 5 months in an intensive learning program about the Triangle region. The two are now proud Leadership Triangle alums.
The Leadership Triangle spring class concentrates on community issues in the central N.C. region. The group met every other week, visiting a new venue in the Triangle and then spending time discussing their experience.
“Learning experiences come in many forms and Leadership Triangle is one of the best I have had,” said Carlile. “It has certainly broaden my horizons by making me more aware of the issues that face our community–as well as the blessings and resources we have to attack these issues. The Leadership Triangle experience has further reinforced my belief that civic responsibility is not an option but a requirement of a responsible and balanced life.”
 WRAL-TV’s Loretta Harper-Arnold (right) poses with CBC’s Jim Goodmon as she graduates. |
 CS’ Rhonda Carlile (right) receives her diploma from CBC’s Jim Goodmon. |
 Leadership Triangle Executive Director Winkie La Force praises the graduates for a semester of hard work. |
 CBC’s Jim Goodmon challenges the group to think regionally. |
 What would a celebration be without a cake? |
 The graduates all go forth with the challenge to improve the Triangle with their newfound knowledge. |
Harper-Arnold agreed. “Instead of one specific class memory, Leadership Triangle has truly given me a deeper appreciation for the wealth of resources and diversity in our region,” she said. “After spending countless hours with my Leadership Triangle peers (whom I now consider an extension of my community family), I have a greater sense of belonging and a stronger belief that we are capable as regional leaders of continuing to move this community forward for the betterment of all Triangle residents.”
 Ben Hutching’sleads the Triangle Trivia Game & revs up the crowd. |
 WRAL-TV’s Loretta Harper-Arnold takes a turn at the buffet. |
 Grads descend the stairs for the ceremony. |
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon, Board Chair of LT, spoke at the 6pm event at American Tobacco’s Bay 7, challenging the group to think regionally.
Leadership Triangle is now taking applications for its fall Leadership Development class. Participants work in small groups with a leadership coach. For information, visit the Leadership Triangle website.
 CBC’s Jim Goodmon (left center) chats with CS’s George Habel (r to l) & Ron Carlile (husband of CS’s Rhonda Carlile). |
 Table teams get into the game. |
 CS’ Rhonda Carlile visits the cake table. |
 Audience members cheer for the new grads. |
 CBC’s Paul Pope (center) visits with Leadership Triangle grads & alumns. |
 Winkie La Force is the driving force behind Leadership Triangle. |
 CS’ Rhonda Carlile gets ready for the Triangle Trivia Tournament. |
 The Leadership Triangle grads will now join the roster of alums. |