Raleigh Chamber Awards CBC for Ethics in Business
 CBC’s Paul Pope (right) accepts the RSM McGladrey Integrity in Business Award from RSM McGladrey’s Sarah Steeley. |
CBC has long held high ethical standards for its dealings with employees, the community and our customers. And the business community is taking notice. The Greater Raleigh Chamber of Commerce recently presented CBC with the RSM McGladrey Integrity in Business Award as part of the Chamber’s 2007 Pinnacle Business Awards.
The ceremony took place at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh on Wednesday, May 2, 2007, at 6pm. CBC VP of Community Relations/American Tobacco General Manager Paul Pope accepted the award on behalf of the company.
“At CBC we treat our viewers, our clients and employees with dignity and respect. We provide them with the best services possible,” read CBC’s award nomination. “We do all these things because they are the right thing to do.”
RSM McGladrey Managing Director Ron Wainwright made the presentation to CBC. The RSM McGladrey Integrity in Business Award recognizes companies that demonstrate dedication to corporate responsibility, integrity and ethics.
“CBC is not a successful company if there are parts of our community that are not successful,” said CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon in response to receiving the reward. And he spoke of the same standards in regards to CBC’s treatment of its employees, saying CBC wants them to be “successful in their lives.”
 CBC’s Ben Waters (left) & his wife, Martha, attend the dinner on behalf of the company. |
 CBC’s RSM McGladrey Ethics in Business award. |
 RSM McGladrey’s Ron Wainwright makes the presentation to CBC. |
 CBC’s Paul Pope (center) represents CBC on stage. |
 Pope (left) & MCC’s Bonnie Southard enjoy dinner during the gala event. |
A number of other awards were presented during the gala event including The Pinnacle Business Awards for staying power, innovation and community involvement. CBC was a previous winner of the Entrepreneurial Spirit award in 1997.
CBC served as a Silver Sponsor of the event. Pope helped present several of the awards during the evening.