Capitol Broadcasting Honored on Top 40 Family-Friendly List
“Everyone, not just working parents, is looking for flexibility.”
– Fara Palumbo, VP of Human Resources, BCBSNC
Capitol Broadcasting Company is proud to be on Carolina Parent’s Top 40 Family-Friendly 40 Companies in North Carolina for 2007. This marks the second time Carolina Parent has honored CBC as one of the top NC companies for working families. Carolina Parent magazine made the presentation at its annual Women at Work breakfast. The 8:30am event took place on Tuesday, Sept. 18, 2007, in Bay 7 at American Tobacco in Durham.
 Carolina Parenting, Inc. President Mark Ethridge applauds the Top 40 Family-Friendly companies. |
The NC Family-Friendly 40 list recognizes companies that offer flexibility and an array of benefits for working parents. Companies who honor the challenges of the work-life balance for their employees are at the core of this elite group.
Chapel Hill author Paula Spencer, author of several parenting books including Momfidence!, served as the keynote speaker for the event, which also included a panel of working mothers addressing issues specific to mothers, families and the workplace.
“How I do it all is I don’t,” said Spencer. “I don’t have time to do it all. … Nobody really does it all, at least not at the same time and while telling the truth.”
 A panel of working mothers address “Parents & Employers: Benefiting from a Changing Workplace.” |
 CBC employees attend the event to celebrate the work-life resources CBC provides. |
“Fun is the first casualty of a really busy life.” – Paula Spencer, author of Momfidence! |
 FOX 50’s Chris Downey, a working dad, supports CBC with his presence. |
 The Women at Work breakfast took place at American Tobacco’s Bay 7. |
Spencer teased that “normal moms are too boring for primetime.” She stressed that, “Motherhood is not a job but a relationship. Managing a job and a family do not need to be made harder than they need to be.”
Her personally penned term momfidence is a parenting mindset, she said. “Momfidence is the confidence that comes from worrying less and just winging it more. Parenting from your gut.”
 Author Paula Spencer says, ““More multi-tasking is actually not the answer, it’s the problem.” |
 WRAL-FM’s Jami Elizondo, a long-term employee of CBC, is an example of a successful working mother. She has two sons and helped represent CBC at the Carolina Parent event. |
 Carolina Parent’s Robin Hutchinson welcomes the crowd and announces the Top 40 list. |