WRAL-FM’s Motter Among 2007 Fall Leadership Triangle Grads
“This experience allowed me to slow down…stop and think…and to reach within my soul to bring out the very best I have to offer as a leader in both my personal and professional life in our community.”
– WRAL-FM Senior Account Executive Steve Motter
 WRAL-FM’s Steve Motter (left) receives his Leadership Triangle diploma from CBC’s Jim Goodmon. |
The latest class of Leadership Triangle participants became Goodmon Fellows on Thursday, November 29, 2007. The group graduated in American Tobacco’s Bay 7 in downtown Durham at a noon luncheon in their honor. CBC had a representative among them in WRAL-FM Senior Account Executive Steve Motter.
Leadership Triangle holds its Leadership Development Class each fall, in which participants work in small groups with a coach. At each class the participants also had key leaders in the Triangle speak about aspects of leadership.
“Blindfolded walking around aimlessly arm in arm, outbidding other teams on oranges at an auction, becoming an actor during role playing at a board meeting, bouncing tennis balls to earn points…” said Motter. “I was blessed to be in a class with twenty great friends to experience all of these things together for a common cause…to become better leaders in whatever path we create!”
 ATC’s Valerie Ward cuts the cake for the celebration. |
 The latest Goodmon Fellows stand in front of the applauding crowd. |
CBC is a sponsor of Leadership Triangle. CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon serves as Board Chair; he spoke at the graduation ceremony and presented diplomas to the new Leadership Triangle alums.
Since joining the WRAL-FM staff eight years ago, Motter has been awarded the WRAL-FM Salesperson of the Year twice, both in 2001 and 2005. He can now list Leadership Triangle alum as one of his many accomplishments.
 LT Executive Director Winkie La Force congratulates the graduates on their accomplishments. |
 A crowd fills American Tobacco’s Bay 7 for the ceremony. |
 The Leadership Triangle grads get front row seats for the program. |
 FOX 50’s Chris Downey (left) chats with ATC’s Paul Pope before the lunch gets underway. |
“What was amazing was that 20 people from ALL different walks of life…business environments..…personal lives…ALL experience the same challenges and are seeking for the answers of how to become better leaders in whatever we do!” said Motter. “The experience allowed me to slow down and dig deeper within myself to find great leadership qualities and skills…and how I can use them in both my personal and professional life.”