American Tobacco Keeps Growing Fortune Ranks Durham on 100 Best Places to Live & Launch
 American Tobacco has become a hot spot in downtown Durham. |
The American Tobacco Campus is downtown Durham is full of activity this summer. As the Music on the Lawn series draws Triangle citizens on many summer evenings and Starbucks moves to make way for Sedalia Café, renovations continue on more and more of the 16-acre campus. And across Blackwell Street, Diamond View II is opening its doors to tenants.
Moving In
The first tenant of Diamond View II, Key Source Commercial Bank, opened on Wednesday, June 4, 2008. The bank also has offices in the Fowler Building at American Tobacco. Several of its new conference rooms in DVII overlook the Durham Bulls Ballpark.
The Volunteer Center of Durham recently moved to Bay 11 in American Tobacco. Located next door to the Triangle Community Foundation, the non-profit is now settling in.
 The Lucky Strike Water Tower is a majestic centerpiece for the campus. |
The Art Institute of Durham also recently made the move to the American Tobacco Campus. The school has applied for licensing from the UNC system for the Durham location. They are temporarily getting set up in the Fowler building, hoping to become “official” and have students by July.
Moving Up
Durham recently got some positive attention from Fortune Magazine, making the 100 “Best Places to Live and Launch.” Durham earned the number 12 slot on the list. Raleigh ranked 20th, and neither Chapel Hill nor Cary made the cut.
Fortune cited American Tobacco as one of its reasons for Durham’s selection: “The creative class in the Triangle area (Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh) has begun to set up shop in the unconventional workspaces that are available in downtown Durham’s ‘American Tobacco Historical District’ and in recently renovated office towers.”
To read the entire WRAL.com Local Tech Wire story about the listing, click here.
 The man-made Old Bull River flows through the center of the historic district. |
Coming Attractions
Speaking of the best places to live, model residential spaces are now open for display. American Tobacco hopes to have its first “live-in” tenants by July 1, 2008. Find out more about the Old Bull Apartments here.
With the opening of the Durham Performing Arts Center in December 2008 and the current facilities including the Durham Bulls Ballpark and the American Tobacco Amphitheater, American Tobacco is becoming an Entertainment Destination. American Tobacco continues to bring new life to the district through the ongoing renovations and additions of several other parts of the campus which enable new residential, retail and business opportunities. At American Tobacco you can enjoy a live, work and play environment.
Thanks to ATC’s Valerie Ward for these capcom photos.