CBC Named One of Healthiest Companies in Triangle
 CBC’s Jan Sharp (r to l) accepts the Healthiest Companies plaque from Business Leader’s Vera Simms, Rex’s Lisa Schiller, & BCBS’ Mike Smith. |
On Monday, June 16, 2008, Business Leader Magazine and Rex UNC Healthcare recognized Capitol Broadcasting as one of 24 Healthiest Company Honorees. The first-time awards event honored Triangle companies that have distinguished themselves with superior corporate wellness initiatives.
The awards luncheon took place at the Hilton North Raleigh. CBC was honored alongside top Triangle companies such as Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, GlaxoSmithKline and Progress Energy. CBC earned placement on the list because of our Be Active CBC wellness program, our annual health fairs and CPR/First Responder training, and other work-life benefits that address employee health & wellness.
 Corp’s Van Williams (left) & Meyona Moses are on hand to see their company honored. |
“We’re always proud when CBC can be honored for their efforts towards promoting a healthier working environment,” said HR Benefits Administrator Van Williams. “The awards we receive are never taken for granted. They are a means by which we measure our success and provide an incentive for us to strive for better wellness initiatives & programs. Opportunity is the key. And it is our goal to create opportunities for employees to make good choices about their health and well being.”
Among the 24 Healthiest Companies in the Triangle, three were singled out for additional honors. SAS won the overall Healthiest Company Award sponsored by Rex. RTI won the Wellness at Work Award, and Quintiles received the Wellness in the Community Award.
Awards were also presented for three Triangle CEOs who have distinguished themselves through extraordinary personal health (based on Rex Healthcare-administered testing).
“The key to business… is how companies take care of their important resources, themselves and their employees,” said Rex Healthcare Associate VP of Marketing Lisa Schiller.
 Dr. Wayne Smith talks about cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it. |
 Business Leader & Rex sponsor the first annual Healthiest Company Competition. |
 Corp’s Jan Sharp is congratulated by the presenters on the podium. |
 Rex’s Lisa Schiller talks about the key components of a healthy company. |
She noted that statistics such as companies spend $14,000 each year on stress-related illness and a couch potato costs $1,500 more per year than an active employee. In a survey, 50% of respondents said that wellness benefits at their company make them work harder.
 CBC is one of 24 Healthiest Companies in the Triangle. |
“Good business begins with good knowledge,” noted the awards citation. “So does good health. That’s why Rex Healthcare and Business Leader Media have teamed up to recognize the area’s Healthiest CEOs and Healthiest Companies.”