News Over Wireless Partners with Scripps Nine Local TV stations Extend Reach, Enable Multiple Revenue Streams with Mobile Solutions
News Over Wireless announced on Monday, July 7, 2008, an agreement with the E.W. Scripps Co. to expand the mobile news products of nine Scripps TV stations by developing subscription-based mobile applications and TV channels while upgrading their ad-supported mobile web sites.
By deploying the complete News Over Wireless solution, the TV stations — located in Detroit, Tampa, Phoenix, Cleveland, Baltimore, Kansas City, Cincinnati, West Palm Beach and Tulsa — will earn revenue from multiple products that deliver news, weather, traffic and video to mobile phone users across the country.
“We are extremely happy to partner with the E.W. Scripps Company and their stations as they have a well-earned reputation for great journalism, smart management and service to their communities. We believe our mobile solutions will continue that tradition of excellence,” said Sam Matheny, News Over Wireless general manager. “Our partnership provides stations with a unique opportunity, as News Over Wireless is the only company offering a complete mobile solution including mobile web, downloadable applications, video channels, advertising and SMS marketing.”
As part of the new partnership, News Over Wireless will provide an improved mobile web interface that cross-promotes the premium applications, which will offer consumers access to even more local content such as a greater selection of video clips, news stories, weather radars and traffic cameras.
Stations will also benefit from expanded video offerings on Sprint TV and V CAST as well as quick access to content through the 4MYTV (46988) short code.
“Scripps stations continuously search for new and better ways to deliver compelling content that benefits viewers and advertisers, and our relationship with News Over Wireless allows the stations to take full advantage of everything the emerging wireless platform has to offer,” said Adam Symson, interactive vice president of the Scripps TV Station Group.
News Over Wireless has partnered with more than 100 local TV stations across the United States providing best-in-class mobile content distribution since 2005. Premium applications are sold under the My Local TV brand on major wireless carrier decks, including AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, Nextel and Qwest. Video channels are available in Sprint TV and Verizon V CAST Video.
As the news audience grows more mobile, deploying a mobile solution makes sense for media organizations. According to consumer research firm The Nielsen Company, mobile web sites extend the reach of traditional web sites by an average of 13 percent. Meanwhile, a May 2008 report from MultiMedia Intelligence predicts the market for premium mobile content grew nearly 20 percent last year to $3.4 billion.
About News Over Wireless News Over Wireless (www.newsoverwireless.com) is part of CBC New Media Group, LLC, a division of Capitol Broadcasting Company. News Over Wireless works with local television stations and wireless phone carriers to provide local news on mobile phones through video channels, downloadable applications and mobile web sites. |
Thanks to NMG’s Laura Blake for this capcom story.