Eating Pays Off for 99.9 The Fan’s Mark Thomas
This Summer, when National Sales Manager Mark Turak came looking for someone to endorse his client, Johnsonville Brats, only one name came to mind…..Mark Thomas. Everyone knows Mark Thomas, co-host of The Insiders on 99.9 The Fan, loves to eat and he was a natural while endorsing (and eating) the brats. Little did anyone know that Mark’s passion for food could be award winning.
Mark’s love for eating was not overlooked by Johnsonville as they hold their own contest of all the radio station endorsers to pick the best ad. While Mark didn’t win the title, he was picked as one of the 10 national finalists for the title. Top endorsers were chosen based on integration into content, natural delivery, compliance to submit aircheck, length, passion for the brats and unique delivery.
“That’s pretty cool. I have to thank Dave ‘The Diesel’ Shore for teaching me everything I know about radio,” said Thomas, “ I should also thank my mother for instilling my love for food!”
“I have always believed that talk show host endorsements are a great premium buy for clients and congrats to Mark who did an outstanding job for this first time client on our air, “ replied Dave Shore, Program Director.
See Mark—eating pays off!!
Thanks to 99.9 The Fan’s Brandon Alexander for this capcom story.