“Big League Experience” – Durham Bulls Step up to the Plate to Help the Homeless
On October 17, 2008, The Durham Bulls are partnering with the Durham Rescue Mission to help alleviate the continuing problem of homelessness that is prevalent throughout the city. This unique event, established last year, will incorporate America’s favorite past time into reaching out to the less fortunate.
Durham Bulls Athletic Park will light up and ten corporate teams will hit the field to compete in a friendly competition to help raise funds to support the Durham Rescue Mission. The grand prize for the winning team is a box suite for 2009 Opening Night at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park.
The night will start with an opening ceremony involving Executive Director Ernie Mills, of the Durham Rescue Mission and a representative of the Durham Bulls. Then the excitement will begin as the team’s warm-up in the batting cage, get clocked by the radar gun, and hit off the pitching machine. The night will also include tours of the beautiful facilities at the DBAP.
Mills says, “The Durham Bulls and George Habel are hitting a homerun in helping the hungry and homeless at the Durham Rescue Mission. This is a great hit for everyone involved!”
Sponsors include BB&T, Capitol Broadcasting, CISCO, CT Wilson, Verizon, and the Durham Rescue Mission.
Rick Fisher will be taking pictures of the teams with Wool E. Bull. After the competition is completed, the Durham Bulls will provide dinner at the stadium for all the participants.
The Durham Rescue Mission is Durham’s oldest and largest shelter providing long-term shelter and counsel to an average of 150 men, women, and children each day, 365 days a year. For more information about the Durham Rescue Mission, visit www.durhamrescuemission.org.
Thanks to the Durham Rescue Mission for this capcom story.