Leadership Triangle Celebrates 2008 Class of Goodmon Fellows

DBBC’s Mary Beth Warfford (right) receives her Leadership Triangle pin from FOX 50’s Chris Downey. Twenty more Triangle citizens now have the distinction of being Goodmon Fellows. The Leadership Triangle Personal Leadership class of 2008 graduated on Thursday, December 4, 2008. The luncheon and ceremony took place at American Tobacco’s Bay 7. “At each […]
FOX 50 Celebrates Everyday Heroes for Return of 24

FOX 50 is looking for everyday heroes. In anticipation of the return of the hit series 24 in January, FOX 50 has launched 24: Everyday Heroes. To enter, viewers should go to the FOX 50 website and submit a story of a real, everyday hero. FOX 50 will post all submissions and pick the […]
Lucky Strike Tower Lighting Kicked Off Durham Holiday Events

Lucky Strike Tower Lighting Kicked Off Durham Holiday Events The Lucky Strike Tower on the American Tobacco Campus in Durham lit up for the holidays on Fri, Dec 5th. Thousands of feet of holiday garland and lights blanketed the American Tobacco Campus on Friday when the 134-year-old Lucky Strike Tower was lit. The Big Light […]