CBC’s Jim Goodmon (left) congratulates WRAL.com’s Angela Connor on her graduation from Leadership Triangle. |
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Nineteen more Triangle citizens can now carry the title “Goodmon Fellow.” Leadership Triangle graduated the latest class from its spring Regional Leadership program on Wednesday, May 20, 2009, at 6pm in American Tobacco’s Bay 7.
While the ACC Baseball Tournament was taking place across Blackwell Street at the DBAP, the new Leadership Triangle grads were sharing the new knowledge they’ve gained about our region.
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon, who is also the chair of the Leadership Triangle board, helped present the diplomas. WRAL.com Managing Editor Angela Connor was among the graduates, as well as former WRAL-TV Reporter Julia Lewis Milstead.
 The Leadership Triangle grads & alumni get silly during the improvisation segment of the event. |
“LT was an amazing experience that taught me so much about the rich history of the Triangle, its current issues and the importance of working together to overcome those issues as a region,” said Connor. “My classmates included some of the smartest people you could ever meet and I am better for the experience. I believe we established relationships that will endure and I look forward to becoming a very active alumnus.”
Executive Producer of Carrboro’s DSI Comedy Theatre Zach Ward livened up the event with some improv. He called upon the new grads as volunteers and had the audience howling. Ward teaches improv workshops to businesses; his lessons focus on working together.
“We take crazy ideas and see what can become of them,” said Ward. He emphasized that thinking outside the box not only makes for good improv, but for good business.