Sellers Shines with Cool to Care Award
 DBYAL Champion Herb Sellers wins the Cool To Care Award. |
Herb Sellers knows that it’s important for young people to feel good about themselves as they grow and mature. He knows that there are many ways to support our youth, but Sellers’ passion for sports is his very special way of helping the youth of Durham become stronger, more hopeful and ultimately more successful.
Sellers was instrumental in the formation of the Durham Bulls Youth Athletic League in 1997, which was the merging of two smaller youth sports leagues, Bull City Baseball League and the South Durham Youth Athletic League. The DBYAL now serves approximately 500 inner-city youth each year, ages 5 through 12, with free opportunities to play and compete in both baseball and soccer in an organized, team-oriented fashion.
A Durham native, product of Durham Public Schools, and a retired City of Durham employee, Sellers continues to work untiringly for the youth of Durham and inspires those around him to become involved with our youth too.
About Cool to Care Awards Light Up Durham hands out its Annual “It’s Cool To Care” Awards on July 4th and “shines the light” on individuals and organizations in our community making a difference in the lives of our youth.
Those receiving the Light Up Durham “It’s Cool To Care” Awards give the youth they work with hope, a sense of belief in themselves, and in some cases second chances at being successful. They demonstrate that someone really cares about them…and so for their work, we honor them. |
Thanks to DBBC’s Matt DeMargel for this capcom story & photo.