Runners gather in front of the WJZY tent at the 21st annual Turkey Trot. |
Charlotte’s WJZY sponsored the 21st Annual Turkey Trot 8k Road Race on Thanksgiving Day 2009. Six thousand runners participated in the events which included an 8k, 5k, 1 mile “fun run” and a 26.2 yard toddler trot.
“2008 was a record breaking year with just over 4,000 runners, so to expand to 6,000 runners this year is quite exciting,” said event organizer Neil Howard. “We really value our partnership with Charlotte’s WJZY and your support has definitely helped us grow.”
The Turkey Trot has become a mainstay for many in the Charlotte area on Thanksgiving morning ahead of more traditional festivities. Subway, Nationwide and Food Lion co-sponsored the event and were onsite helping station employees greet the runners and hand out logo items.
 And they’re off! Runners set out on a Thanksgiving morning trot. |
“I help work the Turkey Trot event each year and love to see the runners who dress up in costumes for the race,” said WJZY Account Executive Lori Zannino.
“This year we had several pilgrims, Indians and turkey’s…what a great way to start the holiday,” Zannino added.
Charlotte’s WJZY distributed water bottles, and also kick-started the holiday giving season by having participants register to win a $100 Target Gift Card. Every year a portion of the proceeds from the event goes to benefit a charity, and this year’s recipient was the NC Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Runners get water bottles from WJZY. |
 Runners pack the starting line. |
Thanks to WJZY’s Angela Golden for this capcom story & these capcom photos.