Corp’s Van Williams (left) accepts the Light the Night Top Fundraising Corporate Team Award from LLS’ Tiffany Drummond-Armstrong. |
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Eastern NC held their 2009 Light the Night Celebration on Wednesday, March 3, 2010, and Capitol Broadcasting Company was among the honorees. CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon served as Corporate Walk Chair, while CBC, WRAL-TV and FOX 50 served as presenting sponsors for the two Triangle Light the Night Walks held in October 2009. CBC won top honors as the Top Fundraising Corporate Team, raising $15,634 for the event.
The celebration took place at Chatham Hill Winery in Morrisville from 6:00-7:30pm. Corporate Benefits Coordinator Van Williams accepted the honor on behalf of the company.
Williams herself is a lymphoma survivor. Her department mate, Corporate Vice President of Human Resources Jan Sharp died of lymphoma on December 19, 2009. Sharp was at the height of waging her battle with cancer during the campaign, and the company rallied around her, pouring everything they had into the walks.
[photos, l to r] Corp’s Van Williams (left) & Andrea Osborne display CBC’s Light the Night Award; Williams tells the crowd how CBC rallied behind Jan Sharp for the walk; and Light the Night’s Emily Roland tells the crowd about the record-breaking year for the Triangle walks. |
“We were fighting for Jan,” said Williams when she accepted the award. “That made our efforts well worth it. We rallied together as a family. Our CEO is the epitome of family, and we pulled together to support one of our own.”
912,000 Americans are living with blood cancer. LLS offers everything from peer support groups to patient financial aid to those fighting these types of cancer. The funds raised with the Light the Night walks go to help provide these services, as well as research to find a cure.
 Williams shows off her Bright Lights award for raising more than $1,000 as an individual. CBC had two other Bright Lights honorees: WRAL-TV’s Kelly Riner & ATC’s Holly Wolfe. |
“None of us will stop fighting this fight,” said Light the Night Walk Campaign Manager Emily Roland. “Cures are possible, but we can’t do this without you.”
The 2009 Triangle Light the Night Walks brought out over 280 teams comprised of over 3,400 walkers. LLS of Eastern NC broke a record, raising $430k.
“Thanks to all CBC’ers, their family and friends who helped make our effort such a success,” said Williams’ Walk co-captain, Corporate Communications Specialist Andrea Osborne. “What a tribute to Jan. And what an inspiration to those who are still fighting blood cancer. I couldn’t be more proud.”